For Governments

Why You Need the McGowan Law Firm

Local governments operate in multiple levels of the legal field. Even with an in-house general counsel, a local government may encounter needs outside the skill set of that attorney or may exceed the time demands of that attorney. Jon McGowan has been involved in and around local government for almost 20 years, serving and chairing multiple boards and agencies. He is also the author of the forthcoming book Roberts Rules of Order for Lawyers (2022), which addresses board structure and operation from the legal perspective.  The McGowan Law Firm is prepared to offer legal services in a variety of legal fields to help your government provide the most effective services to the public.


Government Services

Charter Review

The city/ county charter is, in essence, the constitution of local government. It outlines the broad strokes of how a local government operates, authority, and limitations. Charters must be in compliance with the State of Florida, but are often outdated. The McGowan Law Firm can review and make recommendations for a current and compliant charter.


Bylaws provide the structure for how any governing body operates. From city councils to planning commissions, this document is vital to ensure a smooth and fair meeting. Whether your bylaws need updating or original drafting, The McGowan Law Firm can draft bylaws that are compliant with federal, state, and local laws as well as meet the needs of the entity.


For more complex governing bodies, like city councils, city commissions, and independent agencies, more depth is needed to govern the function of the government.  Issues like compliance with ethics laws, reimbursement of expenses, formation of committees, and conflict of interest.  The McGowan Law Firm can tailor rules for your governing body.

Legislative drafting

Jon McGowan has been involved in legislative drafting at the local and state level, and is currently involved in legal development in the European Union. The McGowan Law Firm can draft the more complex legislation your entity needs. 

Board Development

Board bylaws and rules are only effective if the members of the body understand what they mean and how to apply them. Most governing bodies see a change in composure at least every two years. This brings new people who need to be trained on the proper procedures of the body. What works in the private sector may violate state law in the public sector. The McGowan Law Firm can offer training to new members and annual training as a refresher. 

Ethics procedures

The integrity of a governing body is dependent on clear ethics rules and a fair process to address ethics concerns.  While the Florida Commission on Ethics offers a resource for State violations, local issues require a local response. The McGowan Law Firm can work with your government to create the proper rules and process to protect the community and the governing body.

Of Counsel

The daily functions of government offer many complex oversight and governance issues which may be outside the scope of your in house counsel. The McGowan Law Firm is available to serve as “of counsel” on an ongoing basis as an immediately accessible resource as these issues arise, preventing costly mistakes which may result in litigation. 


As with businesses and private individuals, local governments and independent agencies often need help navigating state and federal agencies.  The McGowan Law Firm can help with the process, with a current focus on U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Florida Legislature.

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